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Tokyo Helen Keller Association, INC.

in Japanese

News from NAWB

A visually impaired student has done excellent performance in the SLC examination

Congratulation! Mr. Nil Kantha Timsina


(Photo: Mr. Timsina received the schlarship from CTL Pharmaceutical PVT. Ltd. by the annual meeting 2006 of Rotary Club of Kasthamandap.)

Mr. Nil Kantha Timsina, a visually impaired student has done excellent performance by securing (80%) distinction position in the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination of 2006 securing. He has been the first person with disability in Nepal who has secured distinction position till now. He has secured 640 marks out of 800 full marks.

Mr. Timsina got admission in Nepal Rastriya Higher secondary School, Dumarwana VDC, Bara District, Narayani zone in 1996 in grade 1. He is the resident of Deurali VDC, Nawalparasi District, Lumbini zone. His eyes had problem from childhood. When he was checked by the doctor and was told that the vision will not be recovered, he was disappointed and finally he went to admit in Nepal Rastriya Higher Secondary School, Dumarwana. In Nepal Rastriya Higher Secondary School, Dumarwana, an Integrated Education Program for the blind and visually impaired was run with the support of Tokyo Helen Keller Association (THKA), Japan.

Mr. Timsina was talent and laborious student. He always stood first position in his class from grade 1 to 8. But when he stepped in grade 9 he became little bit sick. Due to this reason, his sighted friend topped him and he had to accept second position in grade 9 and 10 school examination. But in the SLC final examination, he topped to his sighted friend.

He is interested in creating poem and songs and play guitar. During his school period, he had participated in many extra curricular activities conducted by schools, Bara District Education Office and other clubs and received prizes. He has also won medals in National Level Special Sports for the persons with disability, which is conducted by National Sports Council with the cooperation of Ministry of Education and Sports.

This year 81 blind and visually impaired students from all over Nepal had appeared in the SLC examination. Among them 1 student secured distinction position, 59 students got first division, 17 students got second division, and 4 students failed in the examination.

On the high and outstanding success of Timsina, CTL Pharmaceutical PVT. LTD. (a medicine producing company) through Rotary Club of Kasthamandap awarded Mr. Timsina with cash and certificate for his further study. He has shown interest to study education in Prithivinarayan College, Pokhara & become an excellent teacher and serve the nation. On his success, he thanks THKA, the school family and NAWB from where he got such an opportunity and became able to secure this position.

Thanks and gratitude to THKA!

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